Thursday, 1 April 2010

The Art of Juggling...

So the top secret project that had me sworn to secrecy is over. It's now in the lap of the gods...oh yeah, and the odd producer (at this point, the old me would've said something like most producers are odd, but not anymore since the new me is moving into producing). From what I hear, the project is getting some positive vibes, but we won't know for sure until Mip later this month.

But now that my involvement with the show is over (at least, for the time being), I've suddenly realised I need to start juggling again. At the last count, I was developing and pitching six new shows, two of them live-action, another tween, another for pre-school and a handful of others.

It appears the art of juggling is alive and well. All I need to learn now is plate-spinning and I've got a class act...

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