Tuesday 31 January 2012

Fresh air...

I've just realised this is the first time I've visited the dusty halls of the old blog since last May (this explains the stale air, the thick layer of dust everywhere and the huge mountain of mail on the doormat).

Time for a clearout is waaaaay overdue.  I'm also going to give the old blog a revamp because that's the kinda reckless guy I am...

...within moderation.

OK, stuff to put on the junk/clearout pile.  Let's see.  I guess news that Arthur is well and truly a dead duck can go.  Rumours of a third season were only ever just that - rumours. It's no great shock, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed.  Still, all good things...

Now, the good stuff - the stuff that can stay.  Hmm...thankfully, that's a longer list.

Simmering very nicely on the back burner is my new NDA show, so that can stay.  My KAD chums are also on board, so I know it's going to be well cared for. Plus, we already have interest from networks both here and the US, so that's really exciting. 

Something else that can stay is the cool and groovy new primetime show I'm co-creating/co-developing with one of the best primetime writers in the industry.  Again, it's tied up in NDAs and sworn secrecy, but as soon as I'm allowed to tell, I will.

...I might even use a fiendish laugh for dramatic effect too...

I had a great time last year working on the new preschool show Tilly and Friends for CBeebies.  Beautiful characters, wonderful artwork and magical stories. Working on that show was an absolute pleasure, so that can stay.

I'm sure I'll find other stuff to throw out as I clear out KAD Towers, but for now, back to dusting these halls...